Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Surprise: Here I Go Again

Not that anyone has noticed, but I have not posted a BLOG for some months. The reason is that I decided to print my previous ones. That required me and wife Jane, son John and daughter Peggy all to get involved in editing, deleting, and formatting some 400 pages of printed stuff from the last ten years plus. Hopefully we will get it printed in the next 60 days and if anyone wants a copy I will supply it.

As I determined to resume writing BLOGS I asked myself, “Mel why would you do this?” There are several reasons. The first is that I find it very satisfying to recall my life. God has been exceptionally good to me. God has given me the gifts of health and an incredibly wide range of experiences. I have been blessed by relationships with people from all over the world. I have been touched by the kindness of strangers and friends of all ages and cultures. When I write a BLOG recalling one or more of these events my heart feels grateful and pleased.

The second reason is that in the last couple weeks a few friends have shared with me their recollections, autobiographies et sim. I found them interesting and thought that just maybe someone (especially also my grandchildren) might someday want to know about me and my life of long ago.

There is a third reason I am again writing blogs: it requires a discipline. Now that I am 92 years of age I have resigned from many committees or boards. I no longer teach a class every week. I have not had a deadline for an article for a magazine in years. I find that I am missing the discipline of meeting deadlines and that feels good. And it also means that I waste more time. So now I am giving myself the discipline of a blog a week and I will see if I can still do that. So, as the title of this BLOG says,” Here I Go Again.”
