Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Golfing Partner

When we lived in Hong Kong during the l950-and 60’s we did not have many vacation options. US law prohibited travel to the China mainland. Financial limitations precluded travel abroad. So once in a great while I would take a day off by playing golf and then spending the night at the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club.

I was there alone on one occasion when the starter asked me if I wanted a partner for the afternoon round. Of course, I did. The guy was good. I noticed immediately that he had a very good swing and played at very near par. He was not very talkative and I had learned that British protocol precluded me from prying. He did tell me that he was a Scotsman that he had just come from India and was on his way to the USA.

After the golf round we agreed to share a drink and dinner. He ordered “whisky”. In Hong Kong, of course, that meant scotch served neat. I ordered bourbon. He asked, “What is that?” I explained. He stuck up his nose at the thought, especially when I asked for it over the rocks. However when I also asked for a Seven-up mixer, he told me that was almost more than his stomach could handle but in a good-natured way we had our drinks and dinner.

Then he asked me if I would be around the next day and if I would care to play with him. He said that he was playing with the Captain of the Club.

I was surprised at his good connection but felt pleased to accept the offer. I asked him if he knew the Club Captain.

“Not really”, he said. “But you see he is playing with me because I am on my way to the USA to represent my country in an international competition. It is called The Eisenhower Cup.

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