Friday, January 21, 2011


“Heads Up” is a voice I hear often from my wife. And, as usual, she is right. I have gotten into the habit of walking with my head and chin turned downward. Not a good idea. I have nearly bumped into people in the hallways of this retirement community. When I had my head down on my morning walk I narrowly escaped collision with a bicyclist only because she swerved to avoid me. My physical trainer adds her voice to the chorus, “Keep you head up ! It is good for your posture and your whole body.”

Then I recall my father’s advice to keep my head up, and he was referring not just to my physical safety and well-being, but to the very state of my soul. It all began when I was a youngster and watched the roosters in our barnyard. I noticed that when they drank their water they always pitched their heads back with each swallow. Now, my father was raised on the farm and he knew about the swallowing mechanisms of roosters. But he gave me a different explanation. He said, “Melvin, learn from those roosters. They know that every drink of water like everything else comes down from above. So with each mouthful they just tilt their heads back and in rooster language say ‘Thank you God’.”

So this afternoon I am recalling those Texas roosters and my father’s good instruction. I have been in a funk because of some things over which I have little control. I am tempted to put my head down and mope. Then I remember my wife, my trainer, my father and those roosters and I follow their good advice, “Heads Up !”

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