Tuesday, July 26, 2016


 When Afghan refugee whom I have designated S-1 was sent to San Diego she was advised to contact Survivors of Torture, International. This is an organization that helps people who have fled to the USA because they have suffered government-sponsored torture. I had assisted this organization secure a start-up grant from Wheat Ridge Ministries more than ten years ago. I was a member of its Board of Directors. By coincidence our late son David had contacted this organization with an unusual offer.

David lived alone in his home here in San Diego. On his lot he had refurnished a beautiful small granny flat. Originally he intended to rent it out. Then he came to the conclusion that he did not really need rental income and that some needy person might find it a wonderful place to live. So he contacted Kathi Anderson of Survivors of Torture, Inc. Within 24 hours she had identified S-1 who was overjoyed to find a place to live other than the small one-bedroom apartment she was sharing with three refugees from Africa

When she moved in she was in a very difficult status. She spoke virtually no English. She had recurring headaches. She knew her parents were dead, her elder brother also murdered and her siblings in hiding.
David sprang into action. He provided cooking utensils, bedding, helped her get a bus pass and assisted her in enrolling in a local community college. She responded with deep appreciation, incredible hard work at her studies, and got a job of cleaning rooms in a hotel. She regained hope.

After about a year her siblings found refuge in America under the sponsorship of several human care agencies. Unfortunately, 2 of her sibs were assigned to San Diego and 4 younger ones placed in a foster home in Hemet, CA some 90 miles away. David assisted in cutting miles of red tape, got the family to at least have telephone connections, and all this while he was suffering from growing throat cancer. Then David’s cancer worsened and he died.  Like the rest of us she was devastated but determined. Against unbelievable odds and with massive assistance, especially from David’s Estate and generous members of Calvary Lutheran Church, Solana Beach, S-1 got herself named “foster parent” for her siblings. The entire family was reunited in San Diego with 6 of them now living together in a rented home.

All 7 of this family are now in school. Two have found part-time work. S-1 is in school full-time, foster parents the younger ones and manages it all. They are all determined to make it. She has sworn that they will stop needing “outside assistance” as early as possible.

The challenges continue. Getting a used car and driver’s license is a continuing major issue. Women do not drive cars in Afghanistan and roads do not lave lanes or stop lights. The house got bed bugs. The kids who had not seen a dentist for 5 years have terrible teeth and no money for dental care. Her eyes are a mess and her insurance does not cover eye care. Their Muslim headscarves bring them occasional taunts.

But they persevere and with the help of friends they will make it and be a valuable addition to this country they now very thankfully and proudly call home.

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