Friday, February 15, 2013

The Second Commandment

The Second Commandment; Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

When I was in about the second grade my mother made me take some strong lye-
filled homemade soap and wash  out my mouth until it really foamed ! She had heard me use the expression “son-of-a gun”. This , to her was cursing. So it is not too likely that I would break the Second Commandment with expressions like “God damn you” or “Go to hell!” And I guess that focusing on that kind of misuse of God’s name or even  questioning “omg” in texting is really not the most serious aspect of what God is here forbidding.

It gets much closer to home when people of my Christian faith act and speak in ways that seem to be in every way contradictory to the command to speak kindly, pray, share words of love and comfort in the Lord’s name.

Bit what disturbs me most about the current world scene is to hear people make statements or do acts “in the Lord’s name” which are entirely contradictory to anything that the Lord would ever approve of. I am thinking of using God’s name to deny women and children their rights, to kill  and torture in God’s name, to start wars or commit acts of terror in God’s name.  It will take more than a few bars of home-made soap to stop these horrors, so I will just use my very small voice to call for a halt to these abominations aand to pledge myself to using God’s name to call upon God for forgiveness and hope.

1 comment: said...

Hi Mel, enjoying your memories. One of the things I used to do when teaching the 10 commandments was the insight that the 1st 3 are about our relationship to God, the next 3 to our relationship to people and the last 4 our relationship to property, at least in the OT sense. Seems to me there is a heirarchy of importance. Most people I think worry most about the middle 3. That seems strange to me.