Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reflections on a Long and Blessed Life No. 68: Education Executive for LCMS Part I


After only 4 years as Superintendent of Lutheran Schools for the state of Michigan I took the position of Executive Secretary for the Board of Parish Education of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. I took the position even though I had been in Michigan only 4 years. I took the position knowing that it was the “highest office” available to any  “called teacher” of The LCMS. I took the call at the urging of even my colleagues in Michigan because they felt they wanted a voice at the highest levels of the church. I rook the call even though I knew the LCMS had just elected a new President who had vowed to radically change everything in the church. I took the call because I felt it came through the work of the Holy Spirit.

There were some great things about my years in St. Louis. I had an incredibly supportive and capable staff of some 45 persons. During my tenure there we were able to carry on or introduce many effective new ministries: we added an Associate Director for Schools, a Director for Early Childhood Education, a Director of Effectiveness Training for Lutherans (which was the Lutheran version of Parent Effectiveness). We provided excellent weeklong couples training for pastors and their spouses. We conducted nationwide Sunday School conventions. We gained an important voice in Washington DC through the Council for American Private Education, I was invited to speak at important Christian education events around the world. I carried on or introduced very exciting new joint ministries with the then American Lutheran Church and The Lutheran Church in America. Together we produced some exciting material and events to deal with urban America and with people of color or language other than English. `I was named head of the entire Division for Parish Services and had important in-put on the annual expenditure of some $28 million of church-wide funding .I was able to secure several hundred thousand dollars worth of grants from “outside sources”. I was a part of group of church leaders who had a great inclusive vision of a church grounded in the Good News of God in Christ working together with fellow-Christians across the USA and around the world-for people of all ages and ethnicity or color.

And those 4 years were by far the worst 4 years of my life and If I had not resigned when I did I may well have died of a heart attack or similar at the age of 49.As mentioned above, a new president had been elected and he and his supporters were determined to get rid of any staff or point of view that was incoherent to their very fundamentalistic theology, centralized power, narrow vision of the church. I need not go into detail, I will simply state that when I was asked to sign a statement which forbade me to continue my work with non-LCMS Lutheran leaders, to never consider any biblical interpretation of Bible other than literal, to publicly pray only with LCMS Lutherans, to not attend Holy Communion anywhere other than in LCMS churches, etc. I could not accept those conditions of my employment and so I resigned. Tragically, I had also to terminate the calls to ministry of many staff members who had been faithful servants of the church.

In retrospect I am grateful for the experience even though I feel that I was unsuccessful in my attempt to bring reconciliation to a fractured church. I learned anew the powerful message which is central to my faith. God is love. God is good. God reaches out to all God’s children with grace acceptance and hope. That is the God I worship and the God who sustains and drives me and all that I undertake.

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